Public Art

Public Art

What is Public Art?

“Public art is art in any media that has been planned and executed with the intention of being staged in the physical public domain, usually outside and accessible to all.” Public art is usually site specific, the community is involved and uses collaboration with others. Public art may include any art which is exhibited in a public space in publicly accessible buildings, but not always. Public Art isn’t new as monuments, memorials, religious and civic statuary are considered the oldest and most obvious form of officially sanctioned public art. Although architectural sculpture and even architecture itself fulfills the definition of public art, Public Art is usually installed in natural settings, and can include works such as sculpture, environmental earth works, or may be short-lived, such as a precarious rock balance, or an ephemeral instance of colored smoke.

Public Art Works:

“Carry The Light”

Dichroic film on Plexiglas panels suspended by stainless steel aircraft cable and fixtures. Installed in the Los Alamos County Community Building on the golf course, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

“Reaching For the Stars”

35 ft. in height, painted steel with stainless steel sphere.  Restored and installed at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, New Mexico in November of 2022.

Bernalillo County Seal 3 & 4

Painted aircraft fiberglass, 6 ft. diameter.  The last two of four Bernalillo County Seals were fabricated in fiberglass in order to be light enough to hang on the Bernalillo County front office walls.

Bernalillo County Seal 1 & 2

Bronze Seal, 6 ft diameter.  The first two of four Bernalillo County Seals in the series are cast silicon bronze, produced at Shidoni foundry.

“One Wind”

Painted steel and Arizona flag stone, 7 ft. in height, located in Corrales, New Mexico

“M100 Spiral Galaxy In Virgo”

Diffraction grating within Mylar film, adhered to hammered aluminum panels then negative space painted with black Alkyd paint, 7 ft. x 7 ft., located at the Air Force Research Center on Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Artwork changes color with movement of observer, or movement of sunlight. 

“Galileo’s Library”

Diffraction grating within Mylar film, adhered to hammered and textured aluminum panels, 44 in. x 44 in., located on an upper floor of the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The theme is about Galileo under house arrest in a monastery looking out the library window, seeing the Universe.