Artist Statement

Artist Statement

My contemporary sculpture refers to the communication of ideas between artistic and scientific creativity, with attention to a spiritual pathway. Through operations of abstraction and transformation, I strive to bring forth metaphors related to high ideals, journeys, and exploration of the unknown.

Reaching for the Stars by Doug Czor
"Reaching For The Stars", Closeup
Transcendence by Doug Czor
Diffraction Grating Art

I have pursued a personal vision that Art & Science and Art & Technology might be tools to help save humanity.  The creative forces from combining art with science and technology are powerful enough to break through any of the cultural barriers. Let us use this tool to unite diverse cultures and save civilization from conflicts.

I enjoy crafting Space Age materials into objects that speak to us about reaching for the secrets of the universe.  Some of my favorite Space Age materials are the diffraction grating and dichroic films.  The diffraction grating film is composed of a rainbow hologram, imprinted into clear Mylar film then backed with a vapor-deposited aluminum mirror. Dichroic plastic films are so thin that they cause light to interfere and produce colors in the same way as thin oil films on wet pavement can exhibit beautiful colors.

 When heat-pressed or adhered to surfaces, these films produce intense colors in much the same way as we find on iridescent beetles, the wings of some butterflies, and the feathers of some birds.  When the viewer’s motion varies the angle from which the diffraction grating artwork is viewed, a phenomenal shift in prismatic color is observed.  The choreography of the moving body causes unexpected dynamic allegiances to emerge; these allegiances occur due to the interaction between the color-shifting artwork and the constructed field.

Artist Doug Czor working in his studio
Doug working in his Studio

I especially enjoy using spectral transformation and geometry in the creation of Public Art sculpture.  Believing that art can be used to help save humanity from the forces of globalization, I think it works by breaking cultural barriers and inspiring young people to become scientists.  I enjoy working with artists, scientists, engineers, physicists, astronomers, and all who  search for understanding the universe of which we are integral.  Sci-Art works bring science closer to the public and help us understand the new worlds of: cyberspace, artificial intelligence, Space-Time, Schrodinger’s Cat, holography, fractals, and our own subconscious mind.  

There are ways that art in general can open young minds and allow them to avoid the negative forces in the world.  For instance, they might recognise new patterns in the world that they would not have before they studied art.  A painting, a poem, a song or a metaphor are usually open-ended, providing doorways to new ways of understanding the world.  There is so much more in a work of art than was intended.  There is no one meaning, so in this realization art can free us from artificial constraints and help us to be more open minded and developing.

“Fortune favors the prepared mind”, Louis Pasteur