‘Carry the Light’ opened Aug 4, 2017
My new public art installation opened August 4, 2017 at the Los Alamos County Community Building on the golf course.
The work titled “Carry the Light” was created with Plexiglas and Dichroic Film in panels that are suspended from the ceiling with stainless steel aircraft cable. When sunlight hits the Dichroic Plexiglas panels, they reflect and transmit a dazzling display of light and color that splash over the walls and ceiling. As the angle of the sun changes, so does the color. Each panel has a length to width ratio of 1.618… an infinite number and is historically termed the Golden Ratio. The resulting Golden Rectangles when placed on top and inside each other produce the geometry of a spiral, the same type of spiral that mysteriously appears in sea shells and plants.
The sculpture is now on display and visitors can see my new work at the Los Alamos Golf Course in the County Community Building on Diamond Drive during regular business hours. The building is usually open daily and in evenings for a quality restaurant. A number of Dichroic sculpture clusters are hanging throughout the hallways and inside the restaurant, being lighted at night with spotlights which create colorful images on the ceiling and walls.
The restaurant is titled “Cottonwood on the Greens” at: https://www.cottonwoodonthegreens.com/
Location: 4250 Diamond Dr, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
Restaurant Phone: (505) 662-8139